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June 14, 2023

BIG Thinkers - Elon Musk - S2EPI - 133

Elon Musk CEO, Tesla $235B $5.1B (2.22%) as of 6/13/23 #1 in the world today About Elon Musk · Elon Musk cofounded six companies, including electric car maker Tesla, rocket producer SpaceX and tunneling startup Boring Company...

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June 12, 2023

5 Tips On How To Worry Less About What Others Think of You - S2EPI-132

Five Tips to Help You Worry Less About What Others Think of You 1. Realize most people aren’t really thinking about you. We often think others are staring at us or thinking about us continually, but in reality, they’re not. …

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June 9, 2023

Swing For The Fences - S2EPI-131

The legendary Babe Ruth hit 714 home runs and struck out 1,330 times in his career—setting single-season records for both in his time. Why? Because players who get on base are, by definition, in the game and have a chance …

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June 7, 2023

BIG THINKERS - Jeff Bezos - S2EPI-130

Jeff Bezos Chairman And Founder, Amazon $147.1B $1.6B (1.11%) Real-Time Net Worth as of 6/2/23#3 in the world today Jeff Bezos founded e-commerce giant Amazon in 1994 out of his Seattle garage. Bezos stepped down as CEO to be...

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June 4, 2023

7 Simple Ways To Improve Self-Care - S2EPI-129

Taking Care of Ourselves Allows Us to Better Take Care of Everyone Else 7 Simple Ways To Improve Self-Care When we take care of ourselves, we put ourselves in a better position to attend to all other demands of everyday …

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June 1, 2023

Big Thinkers - Steve Jobs - S2EPI-128

Profession: Apple Co-founder Biography: Inventor, entrepreneur, and businessman, Jobs co-founded Apple Computer from his parent's garage in 1976, then went on to found NeXT and Pixar before returning to Apple in 1996. As CEO,...

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June 1, 2023

Motion To Taking ACTION - S2EPI-127

You don't need another Book, You don't need another course you don't need another YouTube video you don't need another seminar YOU NEED ACTION Move from Motion to ACTION Motions don’t require you to actually take any leap of ...

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May 27, 2023

Make Success Your Duty - S2EPI-126

Success Is Your Duty Cardone’s life changed when he stopped waiting for success and began thinking of it as an ethical obligation—that is, as a duty to himself, his family, and his company. Those who treat success as an optio...

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May 23, 2023

Create an Alter Ego to BYPASS Your Limitations - S2EPI-125

Want to bypass your limitations quickly? Create a secret identity. Alter egos are fun to create as well as being quite popular. Many celebs have an alter ego such as Sacha Baron Cohen (Bruno and Borat), Peter Parker (Spiderma...

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May 16, 2023

Everything in this world has an expiry date Including YOU - S2EPI-124

EVERYTHING IN LIFE HAS AN EXPIRATION DATE, EVEN YOU Lies have an expiry date , but the truth will last forever.” ... “ Everything in life has a limited shelf-life, basically an expiry date .” “Some fail to bear in …

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May 10, 2023

The Greatest Minds Book Review - Lewis Howes - S2EPI-123

The Greatness Mindset – Lewis Howes Greatness is inside you. Now is the time to wake it up. Are you living your most authentic life? Are you leaning into your purpose or running away from it? Is this the story …

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May 6, 2023

Transform Wisdom Into Wealth - S2EPI - 122

Wisdom is better than strength, but no one thinks of the poor as wise or pays any attention to what they say. so transform your wisdom into wealth. Ways to Transform Your Wisdom Into Wealth. To get paid to share …

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May 2, 2023

Speak LIFE Into Your Children - S2-EPI - 121

What Does it Mean To Speak Life Over Your Children? Have you ever heard someone say, “Speak life, not death?” What does that really mean? Our words are powerful. Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, …

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April 29, 2023

The 33 Strategies of WAR by RG - S2EPI-120

life means a continual battle. Your success, failure, happiness, or unhappiness mostly depends upon your knowledge of this battle. Whatever one's occupation in life, whatever one's knowledge, if you lack the knowledge of the ...

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April 25, 2023

Overcome Impostor Syndrome - S2EPI-119

Impostor syndrome is a psychological phenomenon where you doubt your accomplishments and have a persistent fear of being exposed as a fraud. Congratulations! You’ve finally landed that promotion or just gotten the job of your...

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April 22, 2023

Turning Your Weaknesses Into Strength - S2EPI-118

In a perfect world, you would be really good at everything you need to have a successful business and a successful life. Then again, in an ideal world, you'd also have fantastic hair, abs of steel, and a winning lottery …

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April 18, 2023

The POWER of Spreading KINDNESS - S2EPI 117

The power of kindness is real and science shows that the benefits of being kind are greater for the giver than the receiver. So be kind to others and kindness will come back to you. Kindness is a gift that …

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April 15, 2023

The Million Dollar Check - S2EPI-116

What's your Million-Dollar check? Do you want to win the Nobel Peace Prize? The Pulitzer Prize? or The Booker Prize? Do you aspire to lead your dream firm as CEO? Do you want to work for a seven-figure salary? Do …

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April 11, 2023

The Seven WEAKNESSES Men MUST Overcome- S2EPI-115

The modern man is weak mentally, physically, and emotionally. The things we are talking about today are self-destructive, we need to get it under control AND overcome to ultimately be happy, strong emotionally, and financiall...

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April 7, 2023

The Millionaire Booklet BY GC - S2SPI-114

The Millionaire Booklet By GC Getting rich is a decision, it’s never an accident or luck. So before you ever accumulate a million dollars or more, you first need to believe it’s possible. And not only that, you need to …

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April 4, 2023

Become a Millionaire In Under 5 Years - S2EPI-113

Become a Millionaire in 5 Years or Less. When riches begin to come, they come so quickly. They come in such great abundance, you wonder where they have been hiding during all those lean years. In this episode, you will …

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March 31, 2023


WORK SMARTER, NOT HARDER. What if we told you that business doesn’t have to be an endless marathon nor a constant grind or seemingly insurmountable to-do list devoid of any kind of work-life balance? In fact, working less and...

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March 27, 2023

What Are The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success - S2EPI-111

What Are The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success? Too many of us grew up with the belief that achieving success requires relentless hard work, grim determination, and intense ambition. As a result, we may have struggled for years...

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March 25, 2023

OVERCOME the FEAR of starting your own business - S2EPI-110

Many people are afraid to start a business because they lack the necessary education or experience. There are plenty of entrepreneurs who did just that. Unfortunately, a lack of education or experience still makes many feel p...

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