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Nov. 8, 2022

Wining at Singleness, Dating and Marriage - Episode 87

Wining at Singleness, Dating and Marriage - Episode 87

Relationship Goals by (Michael Todd) will open your mind to the true nature of healthy connections with others and help you prepare for health and happiness while you’re single and when you get married by outlining common relationship traps and how to avoid them.

Here are 3 of my favorite lessons that Todd teaches in the book:

1. Don’t be picky, nobody’s perfect, so you need to keep your relationship goals realistic.

2. If you want to have a strong marriage, become mentally and emotionally strong while you’re single.

3. To have a healthy connection with your spouse keep improving yourself and continue to date each other.

Growing up, the author didn’t receive much relationship advice beyond “no sex until after you’re married.” Because the church isn’t great at handling this aspect of life, many people turn to advice from TV, movies, or celebrities and end up ruining their relationships while single.

The problem with these sources is they oversimplify it all into just love, marriage, and children. But this doesn’t account for the intricacies and steps in between.

Instead, the author teaches there are six levels of progression in relationships:








-SECURITY: A safe place, a safe heart where her needs are taken care of, a healthy emotion. Her financial needs must be met too.

-AFFECTION: Loving gestures. Affection is not sex but it could result from affection. Affection is something the woman needs to grow. Take away security and affection from a woman and she cannot function.

-COMMUNICATION: Women speak more than men. They may not necessarily want solutions to the problems they share with you but empathy and being able to relate.


-HONOUR AND RESPECT. He needs you to hold him in high esteem and praise him. A lot of women damage their relationships because they use the wrong words with their partners. Honor the man you want him to be, rather than the man he is. Women are the prophets in the home.

“No matter where you are and no matter what stage of life you are in, Relationship Goals will be a game changer.”