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Feb. 15, 2022

Why You Should Write Your Own Obituary

Why You Should Write Your Own Obituary

Why You Should Write Your Own Obituary

If your obituary was written today, what would it say?

Death is the common denominator of all mankind.

Your money can't protect you from death 

You can’t postpone death 

Death is the only appointment every human must keep 

So prepare for it, that’s actually something you have complete control over.

writing your own obituary is one of the best ways to celebrate life and leave one last message to the world.

If you don’t write your obituary, someone will write it for you. And guess what it’s not going to be the one you want. 

Leave a lasting legacy for your Children's children.

Follow me on Twitter - https://twitter.com/KaaGeeSolutions - Michael (KaaGee) Mante