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Dec. 5, 2023

Why The Dumb People Are Making Millions - S2EPI - 194

Why The Dumb People Are Making Millions - S2EPI - 194

Why the Dumb is making Millions and the smart ones are broke...

How people dumber than you are making millions: They don’t overthink things and execute ideas quickly rather than waiting for perfection.

They focus on taking action.

They pay attention to opportunities in the market and current events and capitalize on them rapidly by investing, trading, or creating content.

They learn from and emulate the success strategies of people who are rich rather than listening to people who are not wealthy.

They understand the psychology of what captures people’s attention and interest and create products, services, and optimized businesses to feel real demand in the marketplace, even if they don’t have all the answers at the beginning.

They prioritize making money over things like perfectionism, rules, etc. They care more about results than process.

They take significant risks and put themselves out there rather than playing it safe. Speed and action are more important than avoiding potential mistakes.