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Dec. 29, 2022

Think big and big things will start happening to you - Episode 94

Think big and big things will start happening to you - Episode 94

Believe You Can Succeed and You Will

  1. Belief is central to success. How successful you are is determined by the size of your own thinking.
  2. If you think small, expect small results. Think big and big things will start happening to you.
  3. With belief comes the will to do things and once you start getting things done, opportunities will open for you.
  4. Belief not only inspires action but also opens the mind to new ways of looking at things.

Believe You Can Succeed and You Will

  1. Belief is central to success. How successful you are is determined by the size of your own thinking.
  2. If you think small, expect small results. Think big and big things will start happening to you.
  3. With belief comes the will to do things and once you start getting things done, opportunities will open for you.
  4. Belief not only inspires action but also opens the mind to new ways of looking at things.

How to Think Big

The size of your thinking determines the scale of your accomplishments.

To start thinking big:

  1. Don’t sell yourself short. Know your worth by concentrating on your assets. Often, you will find that you are better than you think you are
  2. Use big thinkers’ vocabulary. Practice using big, bright, and cheerful words. Words that promise victory, happiness, hope, and so on
  3. Stretch your vision. See what is possible not just what is. Practice adding value to people, yourself, and to situations
  4. Get a big view of your job. Appreciate the things that you have. For example: start thinking that your job is important and your approach will change
  5. Think above trivial things. Don’t be petty. Don’t engage in pointless arguments. Ask yourself “Is this really important?”

You Are What You Think You Are

People see us the way we see ourselves. If you see yourself in great light, people will treat you the same way.

How you look, and how seriously you take yourself are reflected in how other people treat you.

To improve how others see you:

  1. Look important. A good appearance will boost your confidence and spirits. Think your work is important.
  2. Sell yourself to yourself. Give yourself a pep talk each day. Remind yourself that you are an important person.
  3. Always ask yourself “is this how an important person thinks?”

The 10 Books That changed my life in 2022...

1. Secrets of The Millionaire Mindset - Book by T. Harv Eker

2. The 10X Rule - Book by Grant Cardone

3. The Richest Man in Babylon - Book by George Samuel Clason

4. The 5 AM Club - Book by Robin Sharma

5. Rich Dad Poor Dad - Book by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter

6. No Excuses - Book by Brian Tracy

7. Not Nice - Book by Aziz Gazipura

8. Relationship Goals - Michael Toad

9. SuperLife - Book by Darin Olien

10. The Purpose Driven Life - Book by Rick Warren

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