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June 19, 2023

The 52 Things Kids Need from Their Father - S2EPI-135

The 52 Things Kids Need from Their Father - S2EPI-135

52 Things Kids Need from a Dad
What Fathers Can Do to Make a Lifelong Difference

  1. To help Them Beat The Odds
  2. To Stop and Catch the Fireflies
  3. To Count the Train Cars
  4. To Start a File Folder with their names
  5. To Kneel or Stand by their bed and pray for them
  6. To Catch Them in a Lie
  7. To tell them the Hampter Died
  8. Two words - Wallen Photos
  9. To answer their questions with questions
  10. To be the DAD you did not have...


Get the book for all the things kids need from their DADJay Payleitner, a veteran dad of five, who's also struggled with how to build up his children's lives. His 52 Things Kids Need from a Dad combines straightforward features with step-up-to-the-mark challenges men will appreciate: a full year's worth of focused, doable ideas―one per week if desired.