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Oct. 4, 2022

The 16 Hard Truths That Make You Mentally Strong

The 16 Hard Truths That Make You Mentally Strong

The 16 hard TRUTHS...

  • Life is not easy
  • You will fail sometimes
  • There is a lot you don't know
  • There may not be a tomorrow
  • There is a lot you can't control
  • Information is not true knowledge
  • You can't be successful without providing value
  • someone will always have more than you
  • You can't change the past
  • The only person who can make you happy is YOU
  • There will always be people who don't like you
  • You won't always get what you want
  • In life, you get what you put in
  • Some friends will come and go
  • Doing the same exact thing hinders self-growth
  • You will never be ready for something new


This Episode is sponsored by Susan Bacon 

Agent for colonial Penn Life Insurance Company

Get the Life Insurance You Need at a Price You Can Afford. 
