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Aug. 18, 2023

Start Doing This For Yourself - S2EPI - 156

Start Doing This For Yourself - S2EPI - 156

Many of us put our happiness and dreams on hold for another day, when the truth is life is happening right now. If you want to make positive changes, today is the day. Want to know where to begin? Here are 30 things to start doing for yourself.



1. Create a vision for your life.

Get clear on your purpose, what drives you and what you desire for your love life, relationships, career, finances, lifestyle, wellbeing and personal growth.


2. Meditate daily.

Your investment of a few minutes of time will come back to you tenfold in the form of increased insight, inner peace, creativity and compassion.

3. Treat your body well.

It is your home on this earth so nourish it with water, whole foods, walks, yoga and exercise.

4. Listen to your heart and intuition.

Your heart is the key to your life purpose and it will provide you with wisdom and guidance that your thinking mind cannot comprehend.

5. Mix up your routine.

Don't live the same year 85 times and call it a life -- try a new route, coffee shop, walking trail, hobby, activity, city or career.

6. Get clear on your values.

Your deep underlying motivators like freedom, creativity, wisdom, abundance, vitality, connection and authenticity -- and start basing your life around them.


7. Make time for joy and pleasure.

Write a list of all the things that make you come alive and do them weekly -- the whole world will benefit from your light and joy.

8. Pause throughout the day.

Take your attention away from the circling thoughts and worries in your head and connect with the sights, sounds, smells, textures and beauty of life surrounding you.

9. Get comfortable being you.

You were made by the Universe for a reason and you are a one-of-a-kind. Own who you are.

10. Create rituals.

Whether it's a morning prayer, evening book or weekend brunch, rituals can help you incorporate your values into your life.