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Jan. 5, 2023

Start DOING THE HARD Things - S2EPI96

Start DOING THE HARD Things - S2EPI96

Doing hard things means intentionally taking action toward something that you know will not be easy, and yet the end result will far exceed the effort you will exert and the pain you will suffer.

One good reason to do hard things is that by doing them, they begin to feel easier — not because they are actually easier, but because by doing them, we become more adapted to and more adept at conquering them. Choosing to do what’s difficult makes us stronger to face difficult things.

10 Toughest Things to Do in Life

  • Start dating and put yourself on getting Married...
  • Become a Parent. ...
  • Becoming an Entrepreneur. ...
  • Loose weight and get in shape. ...
  • Overcoming Addiction. ...
  • Leaving People Behind. ...
  • Handling Success.