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Aug. 19, 2022

Road to The self-made Millionaire Series - EP_76

Road to The self-made Millionaire Series - EP_76

Road to The self-made millionaire (Series)

Whether it’s building a successful business or climbing the career ladder, you can find inspiration from people who have done the seemingly impossible: Change the world and become a Millionaire.

Steve Adcock - The self-made millionaire says he got rich the “old-fashioned way”—by investing wisely, marrying the right person, and living a frugal life.

1. Company loyalty will make you poor.

If you’re not switching jobs regularly, you’re leaving money on the table. Taking a new position at a different company is one of the best ways to get a substantial raise.

2. Most millionaires are self-made.

A 2022 report from research firm Ramsey Solutions found that 74% of millennials believe millionaires inherited their money, and more than half of baby boomers think the same.

3. Your life partner can hurt your finances.

Many people get married young, in their early- sometimes the relationship tension is money-related, like opposite spending habits or an unwillingness to have money conversations.

4. You don’t need to hustle 24/7.

You might think that hustling will make you rich faster, but it also means having less time to take care of your body. And no amount of money is worth neglecting your physical and mental health.

5. Growing up poor doesn’t mean you can’t build wealth.

Learn the value of saving and investing, credit card debt would ruin my financial stability,

even if without a six-figure salary, you can still get rich...

6. A prestigious degree doesn’t guarantee wealth.

While your degree can help you get your foot in the right door, it’s what you do after you graduate that makes the real difference.

Start an emergency fund and invested at least 10% of your income starting today.

look for less expensive options — perhaps paying in-state tuition at a school that has a great program in what you are interested in.

7. Your passion won’t pay the bills.

Rich celebrities will often tell you that they achieved success by following their passions. But that doesn’t work for everyone.

Now, as an early retiree, I’m actually able to enjoy and spend more time on my passions.

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