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Sept. 30, 2024

Monday Life Hack - Loneliness Is The Price You Pay

Monday Life Hack - Loneliness Is The Price You Pay

When you start to improve yourself, loneliness is the price you pay. Self-improvement often involves personal growth and introspection, which can lead to a period of introspection and solitude. You might feel lonely at times, but, the view from the top will be worth it.

  • Shift in priorities: As you focus on self-improvement, your priorities may change, leading to a potential gap between your new goals and the activities or social circles you were previously involved in. 

  • Growth discomfort: Stepping outside your comfort zone to improve yourself can sometimes feel isolating, especially if you are not surrounded by people who support your new path. 

  • Not a permanent state: While initial loneliness can be a part of the process, it's important to remember that as you continue to grow and develop, you can build new, supportive relationships that align with your evolving self.