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Feb. 17, 2024

Know The Success Principles - S3EPI - 210

Know The Success Principles - S3EPI - 210

The Success Principles Book Summary

The Fundamentals of Success

  1. Take 100% Responsibility for Your Life
  2. Be Clear Why You’re Here
  3. Decide What You Want
  4. Believe It’s Possible
  5. Believe in Yourself
  6. Use The Law of Attraction
  7. Unleash The Power of Goal-setting
  8. Chunk It Down
  9. Success Leaves Cues
  10. Release The Breaks
  11. See What You Want, Get What You See
  12. Act As If
  13. Take Action
  14. Just Lean Into It
  15. Experience Your Fear And Take Action Anyway
  16. Be Willing to Pay the Price
  17. Ask! Ask! Ask
  18. Reject Rejection
  19. Use Feedback to Your Advantage
  20. Commit to Constant and Never-Ending Improvement
  21. Keep Score for Success
  22. Practice Persistence
  23. Practice The Rule of 5
  24. Exceed Expectations