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March 30, 2024

How I Cured Myself From NGS - Nice Guy Syndrome - S3EPI - 217

How I Cured Myself From NGS - Nice Guy Syndrome - S3EPI - 217

How I cured myself from the NGS - nice guy syndrome Breaking free from the nice guy syndrome! A journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Here are some steps to help you cure yourself: • Identify and challenge people-pleasing behaviors You are preoccupied with what other people might think. You feel guilty when you do tell people "no." You fear that turning people down will make them think you are mean or selfish. You agree to things you don't like or do things you don't want to do • Practice assertiveness and set boundaries Practicing assertiveness can help you gain self-confidence, improve communication, and create win-win situations. Setting boundaries can help you build self-esteem, focus on yourself, and enhance your mental health. Here are some tips for being assertive: Acknowledge your rights Develop non-verbal assertive behavior Practice assertive responses Be confident, clear, and controlled Put yourself in their shoes Talk calmly Listen actively Ask questions Be specific Don't speak over the other person Don't insist on an answer straight away Don't argue the point when you've already made it Don't be too general Don't accuse or blame Be polite but assertive

• Focus on your own needs and desires Focusing on your own needs and desires can lead to a happier and more fulfilling life. It can also help you make better decisions, improve your relationships, and have better health. Here are some ways to focus on yourself: Practice self-care: Make self-care a regular part of your day. Set boundaries: Recognize your own needs and limits, and set healthy boundaries in relationships.

Listen to yourself: Pay attention to your inner voice. Write about your feelings: Write or draw in a mood journal. Practice self-compassion: Take a break when you need to recharge, encourage yourself when you fail, and hug yourself. Spend time alone: Focus on your interests, and get to know yourself. • Learn to say "no" without explanation You don't always have to give a reason when you say no to something. Sometimes, just saying “no” is enough, and it can actually show that you're confident in your decision. If you feel pressured to explain yourself, remember that it's OK to keep things simple.

• Prioritize self-care and self-love • Speak your truth and express your emotions • Let go of the need for approval and validation • Embrace your authenticity and individuality • Cultivate healthy relationships based on mutual respect Overcoming nice guy syndrome takes time and self-reflection. By embracing your true self and setting boundaries, you'll build stronger, more fulfilling relationships and unlock your power!