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May 19, 2024

Here are ten lessons from Grant Sabatier's book "Financial Freedom"

Here are ten lessons from Grant Sabatier's book

Here are 5 key takeaways from "Financial Freedom" by Grant Sabatier
- *One’s ability to make money is limitless, one’s time is not*: Sabatier emphasizes that while one's earning potential is unlimited, time is a finite resource.
- *Question popular money advice*: Sabatier challenges conventional wisdom on money, work, and retirement, encouraging readers to think critically and question outdated or incomplete advice.
- *The key to fast-tracking financial freedom is to speed up compounding*: Sabatier advises making and investing money as early and frequently as possible to accelerate financial growth.
- *Your “number” is how much money you will need to achieve your own financial freedom*: Sabatier encourages readers to calculate their individual financial independence number to plan and execute achieving it.
- *Don’t defer your dreams into the future*: Sabatier advises readers to prioritize their goals and dreams, rather than putting them off until retirement or some other future point.
Here are ten lessons from Grant Sabatier's book "Financial Freedom"
- *How Much Money You Need*: Learn how to calculate how much money you'll need to last for the rest of your life.
- *Make More Money in Less Time*: Learn how to make more money in your full-time job and by building a profitable side hustle.
- *Save Money Easily*: Learn how to save more money than you ever thought possible without giving up the things you love.
- *Live For Free*: It's never been easier in history to live for free anywhere in the world.
- *Make Money in Your Sleep*: Learn how to invest for your short and long term goals.
- *Simple Daily Habits*: Learn the daily habits and tools to accelerate your financial freedom.
- *Protect and Grow Existing Assets*: Protect and grow your existing assets.
- *Understand and Manage Finances*: Understand and manage your own finances.
- *Increase Income*: Increase your income without adding a ton of extra hours and work.
- *Retire Early*: You need less money to "retire" at age 30 than you do at age 65.