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April 26, 2022

Handling Criticism

Handling Criticism

Most people have the fear of criticism and rejection. Most of us fear criticism. This fear originates usually in childhood if those upon whom we depend are regularly critical of us. As children, we believe what we hear, and imitate what we observe.

Criticism, and the fear of it, robs us of self-esteem, minimizes our personal initiative, crumbles our sense of adequacy and power, takes away self-reliance, and generates many other negative effects. Parents who criticize more than praise and encourage, do their children considerable psychological harm.

Ways to Overcome the Fear of Criticism

  1. Know that anything worth doing attracts admiration and criticism. ...
  2. Be clairvoyant about avoidance. ...
  3. Seek improvement, not approval. ...
  4. Consider the intent of the criticism. ...
  5. If you can't control the sting, keep it from swelling. ...
  6. Decide who gets to criticize you
  7. Massive success to silence your critics

Don't take criticism personally. That sounds a lot easier than it is, in practice, for many people. The key is to remind yourself, constantly, who or what you're

You are a leader and don’t forget that.