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Sept. 17, 2022

Develop A Wealthy Mindset - Road To The Self-Made Millionaire Series - EP80

Develop A Wealthy Mindset - Road To The Self-Made Millionaire Series - EP80

If you want to be wealthy, you'll need to start thinking as the wealthy do. 

Start by defining YOUR financial goals: how much money do you want to have in a year’s time, In five years' time, etc.

If you have a number, Good.

Now if you want to see that money in your bank account, you'll need to develop a wealth mindset.

What is a wealth mindset?

If you dig deeper into the stories of wealthy people, you’ll notice a pattern:

Rarely will a wealthy person be able to boil down their success to a single miraculous moment. Instead, they’ll cite their mindset as the biggest reason for their prosperity.

A wealth mindset is a set of beliefs, habits, and behaviors that separates the wealthy from the poor. A wealth mindset will guide you to make the most of the money you have.

A wealth mindset means spending less, making wise investments, and looking for ways to improve financial standing with minimal risk.

Here is the good news, The good news is that with a little dedication, anyone can develop a wealth mindset.

What is a Poor Mindset?

The antithesis of a wealth mindset is a poor mindset. Most who have this "poor mindset" don’t realize they have it.

A poor mindset is any of the following: thinking that earning money is wrong, that it can be done without effort, that you'll never climb out of the pit of debt, or that you just don’t have the special sauce it takes to increase your cash flow.

This mindset undermines your money goals and will actively drive wealth away from you unless you work to counteract it.

1.  Set Goals, Be Patient, Persevere

2. Invest for the future today

3. Never stop hustling

4. Maintain a positive attitude

The key is to start small and tackle bite-sized goals first. Like compound interest, these small investments build up over time and further your progress toward your wealth goals.

Within months, weeks, or even days, your wealth goals will be on the fast track to success.

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