We live in a world where validation from others often feels like the ultimate prize. Whether it’s a "like" on a social media post, praise from colleagues, or simply a compliment from a friend, the need for approval can be deeply ingrained in our daily lives. However, the most dangerous addiction you can have is the approval of other people. The more you seek validation from others, the more you give away control over your own life.
Why Approval Becomes Addictive
At its core, the craving for approval stems from a deep desire to be accepted, valued, and loved. It’s a natural human instinct to seek connection and feel affirmed. However, when you rely on external sources for your sense of self-worth, you begin to shape your life around pleasing others instead of following your own values and desires.
The issue arises when this need for approval becomes a constant, unquenchable thirst. You start living in reaction to others’ expectations, often sacrificing your own desires in the process. This leads to a cycle where your worth is tied to someone else’s judgment—an unhealthy dependence that leaves you feeling anxious, insecure, and lost.
The Consequences of Seeking Approval
Loss of Authenticity: When you mold your behavior, decisions, or even personality to meet someone else’s expectations, you risk losing your authentic self. You stop doing what feels right for you and start doing what feels right for others.
Emotional Instability: Chasing approval is like riding an emotional rollercoaster. One moment, you feel on top of the world when you receive praise, but the next, you feel unworthy when approval is withheld.
Fear of Rejection: You become so reliant on external validation that even the thought of rejection or disapproval becomes terrifying. This fear of judgment can paralyze you, preventing you from taking risks or pursuing goals that could bring you true happiness.
Missed Opportunities: When you constantly seek approval, you might avoid making bold decisions or trying new things that could lead to growth. You might stick to the safe, conventional path to avoid criticism, missing out on experiences that could truly fulfill you.
How to Break Free from This Addiction
Recognize Your Value: Start by understanding that your worth is not determined by what others think of you. Your value comes from within, and it’s not contingent on external validation. Focus on developing self-compassion and appreciating who you are without needing anyone else’s approval.
Embrace Your Authentic Self: Give yourself permission to be who you truly are. Let go of the fear of judgment and stop trying to fit into boxes that don’t represent your true nature. When you embrace authenticity, the approval you seek becomes irrelevant because you know you are enough just as you are.
Set Your Own Standards: Instead of living to meet the expectations of others, create your own standards for success. Align your actions with your values and vision, not with what others think you should be doing.
Practice Letting Go: Over time, start practicing letting go of the need for constant approval. This might mean reframing situations where you might usually seek validation. Each time you let go of seeking approval, you reclaim more of your own power and peace.
The Path to Freedom
Breaking free from the addiction of approval isn’t easy, and it doesn’t happen overnight. But the first step is realizing that you don’t need to live for others. Your life is your own, and your choices should reflect who you are and what you want, not what others think you should be.
In the end, true peace comes from within. When you stop seeking external validation, you allow yourself the freedom to live authentically, pursue your goals, and ultimately experience a deeper sense of fulfillment.