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Sept. 2, 2024

Dealing with Difficult People: by Harvard Business Review

Dealing with Difficult People: by Harvard Business Review

• Emotional Intelligence: Manage your emotions and understand others'.
• Active Listening: Listen carefully to defuse tension and find common ground.
• Set Boundaries: Clearly define limits to manage difficult behavior.
• Constructive Feedback: Give and receive feedback effectively to prevent conflicts.
• Stay Calm: Respond calmly and professionally in tough situations.


How to Disagree with Someone More Powerful: The Harvard Business Review Guide

"Dealing with Difficult People" by Harvard Business Review offers practical strategies for managing challenging interactions in the workplace. The book addresses various types of difficult behaviors, from passive-aggressive colleagues to openly hostile bosses, and provides tools to navigate these situations effectively. The focus is on understanding the underlying causes of difficult behavior, whether it's stress, insecurity, or poor communication skills, and using this insight to respond in a calm, constructive manner.

The book emphasizes the importance of emotional intelligence, advising readers to manage their own emotions while also considering the perspectives of others. It suggests techniques such as active listening, setting boundaries, and finding common ground to resolve conflicts. Additionally, the book covers how to give and receive feedback constructively, helping to prevent issues from escalating.

With a mix of research-based insights and real-world examples, "Dealing with Difficult People" equips readers with the skills needed to handle tough situations with professionalism and poise. It serves as a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their ability to work with challenging individuals and maintain a positive, productive work environment.



How to Deal with Difficult People | Jay Johnson | TEDxLivoniaCCLibrary