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Aug. 2, 2024

Biggest Regrest Of The Dying - Ep.237

Biggest Regrest Of The Dying - Ep.237

Bronnie Ware, an Australian palliative care nurse, conducted a study on the most common regrets of the dying. She found that the top five regrets of older people are:

1. Not living a life true to oneself: Many people regret not pursuing their dreams and aspirations, and instead, living a life that others expected of them.

2. Working too much: Some people regret spending too much time working and not enough time with loved ones or pursuing hobbies.

3. Not expressing emotions: Many people regret not expressing their feelings, leading to unresolved issues and unspoken words.

4. Not staying in touch with friends: Some people regret losing touch with friends and not nurturing those relationships.

5. Not letting go of fear and anxiety: Many people regret letting fear hold them back from experiencing life to the fullest.

These regrets serve as a reminder to prioritize what truly matters in life and to live each day with intention and purpose.

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