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July 21, 2023

Become Legendary: The Lion Amongst The Sheep's - S2EPI - 147

Become Legendary: The Lion Amongst The Sheep's - S2EPI - 147

Become Legendary: The Lion Amongst The Sheep's


THE ALPHA MALE BIBLE book discusses what an alpha male is and provides lots of tips and strategies on how to become an alpha male. In order to be an alpha male you need to have a strong sense of who you want to be and why you want to do so.

There are many traits of an alpha male including confidence, leadership, charm, assertiveness, honesty, responsibility, respect, purpose, calmness, consideration for others, and more.

You want to have self-discipline, be willing and ready to grow and build a confident mindset, practice self-awareness, believe in yourself, and more.

It’s a great book if you are looking to build your confidence, find your purpose, and live out your goals.