Five Tips to Help You Worry Less About What Others Think of You
1. Realize most people aren’t really thinking about you.
We often think others are staring at us or thinking about us continually, but in reality, they’re not. They’re just not.
They are probably busy thinking of their own lives and their own issues.
2. Believe in yourself.
I know this may be hard to accept for some people, but what you believe about yourself is more important than what others think of you.
3. Practice reciting positive affirmations.
Allowing others to control your feelings based on what they think of you can feel like a prison.
You can stay free from that prison by practicing positive affirmations daily.
4. Embrace authenticity.
To be authentic means to be who you are – all of you.
5. Don’t judge others.
Do you make it a habit to judge others?
If so, think about how it feels when people judge you. It doesn’t feel great.
Let others be who they are right where they are on their journey and focus more on you.
Worry Less About What Others Think & Focus on What YOU Think