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Dec. 12, 2023

10 things every man should know by Age 35 - EP - 196

10 things every man should know by Age 35 - EP - 196

Here are 10 things every man should know: 1. Self-care: Prioritize mental and physical well-being. 2. Communication: Listen actively and express emotions openly. 3. Emotional Intelligence: Recognize and manage your emotions. 4. Personal Style: Dress confidently and authentically. 5. Financial Literacy: Manage money wisely and plan for the future. 6. Cooking Basics: Whip up simple, healthy meals. 7. Time Management: Prioritize tasks and set goals. 8. Empathy and Active Listening: Connect with others deeply. 9. Self-Reflection: Regularly assess values, goals, and personal growth. 10. Health and Wellness: Make informed choices for a balanced life. Remember, these are general guidelines, a