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Michael Mante Podcast

Michael Mante Podcast

This Podcast offers a combination of books to help you Become a LEADER among your peers, face failure to Succeed, stand up for yourself and stop being pushed around, put yourself first and take care of yourself, build your dream business, and attain financial freedom and lastly become LEGENDARY and ...

Recent Episodes

Sept. 25, 2024

You Should Never Share These Things With ANYONE

Here are 10 things you should never tell anyone: Personal Secrets 1. Your deepest fears and insecurities. 2. Intimate details about your relationships. 3. Private financial struggles or debts. Confidential Information 1. Oth…
Sept. 23, 2024

Monday Life Hack – Keep Looking and Don’t Settle

The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. Steve Job ‘You’ve got to find what you love,’ Job…
Sept. 20, 2024

Create A Positive Money Mindset - Ep.251

Creating a positive money mindset can help you develop a healthier relationship with money and achieve financial stability. Here are six steps to help you cultivate a positive money mindset: 1. Identify and challenge negativ…
Sept. 18, 2024

12 Things Successful People Do Differently

12 Things Successful People Do Differently Welcome to our new website! https://www.michaelmantepodcast.com/ 1. Focus on one thing: Prioritize a single, meaningful goal. 2. Set clear goals: Define achievable objectives. 3. Ta…
Sept. 16, 2024

Monday Life Hack - Who You Become

“What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.” ― Henry David Thoreau When you achieve a goal you get a reward. You may get recognition, a pay raise, a trophy, or simply…
Sept. 13, 2024

By Age 40 You Should Know This - Ep.248

Here is a list of things you might want to know or achieve by age 40 : Personal Growth: 1. Self-awareness and self-acceptance 2. Emotional intelligence and regulation 3. Resilience and stress management 4. Purpose and passio…

Recent Blog Posts

10 Things Every Woman Needs to Know About Men: Understand His Mind and Capture His Heart

  10 Things Every Woman Needs To Know About Men - written by the founders of the hugely popular women's relationship website Anewmode.com - is an honest, non-sugarcoated guide to understanding men and cracking their code so you can finall…

30 Days to a Better Man eBook (The Art of Manliness)

Daily Challenges: Simple tasks to build better habits. Self-Discipline: Emphasis on consistency and personal growth. Character Building: Focus on integrity, responsibility, and respect. Physical Fitness: Encouragement to prioritize health and s…

SuperLife: The 5 Simple Fixes That Will Make You Healthy, Fit, and Eternally Awesome

Nutrition: Eat whole, nutrient-dense foods for optimal health. Hydration: Drink clean, mineral-rich water to stay energized. Oxygenation: Engage in regular exercise to boost oxygen levels. Alkalization: Maintain a balanced pH to prevent disease…